Figure 3: Proportion of submicroscopic malaria among women with NAAT-positive test results by malaria transmission rate.
Studies in Asia and the Pacific were combined under Asia; studies in central or South America were combined under the Americas. The relationship and 95% CI were estimated for Africa only using fractional polynomials logistic regression with robust variance (p<0·0001 for comparison with linear and non-covariate model); for modelling the graphs at delivery, one outlier at PfPR2–10 of 81% was omitted (for the plot for first antenatal clinic visit and by gravidity, see appendix pp 59–60). NAAT=nucleic acid amplification test (PCR or loop-mediated isothermal amplification). PfPR2–10=Plasmodium falciparum prevalence among children aged 2–10 years at the year of study visit, as estimated by the Malaria Atlas Project.