Correction to: Nature 10.1038/s41586-022-04752-8 Published online 25 May 2022
In the version of the article initially published, in Fig. 2g, the designations of the columns at the bottom of the figure were inverted. There were also errors in Fig. 2j and Extended Data Fig. 7g,h, where the designations for EP and PP were inadvertently transposed. Accordingly, in the “Combining scRNA-seq and barcode tracing” section, the sentence “At P28, cells with the transcriptional signature of early progenitors predominantly gave rise to mTECs (barcode 86) rather than both mTECs and cTECs (barcode 85); the number of postnatal progenitors biased towards mTEC differentiation (barcode 96) increased (Fig. 2j),…” has been amended to “At P28, cells with the transcriptional signature of early progenitors predominantly gave rise to mTECs (barcode 96) rather than both mTECs and cTECs; the number of postnatal progenitors biased towards mTEC differentiation (barcodes 85,86) increased (Fig. 2j),…”. In the Methods section, it was stated that “32 libraries” were sequenced for the P0 time point. It should have read “24 libraries”. These errors have been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the article. None of these errors affect the conclusions of the paper.
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Dominic Grün, Email:
Thomas Boehm, Email: