a. Deletion or mutation of two helices in HRI at the same time, but not manipulation of a single helix, protects HRI from UBR4-dependent degradation. The stability of indicated mutants was analyzed in wildtype or ΔUBR4 cells by flow cytometry using the GFP/mCherry-based degradation reporter. Similar results in n ≥ 2 independent experiments. b. The SIFI complex ubiquitylates a single HRI peptide irrespectively of whether the SIFI complex was purified from control cells or cells treated with arsenite (40 μM for 4 h). Experiment performed once. c. Peptides encompassing a single HRI helix compete for ubiquitylation of the entire amino-terminal HRI domain (residues 1–138). 35S-labeled HRI1–138-SUMO was incubated with affinity-purified SIFI complexes, E1, UBE2A and UBE2D3, and ubiquitin. 200 μM of purified peptides encompassing the helices comprising degron 1 or degron 2, respectively, were added, and reaction products were analyzed by autoradiography. Similar results in n = 2 independent experiments d. Changing the amino-terminus of cleaved DELE1 does not affect its stability, as seen by flow cytometry. Similar results in n = 2 independent experiments e. Capping of the amino-terminus of cleaved DELE1 with threonine, an amino acid not recognized by the N-end rule, does not change its stability, as seen by flow cytometry. Similar results in n = 2 independent experiments. f. A helical DELE1 degron similar to HRI helices is ubiquitylated by the SIFI complex as a TAMRA-labeled peptide, while a distinct DELE1 peptide was not modified. Similar results in n = 2 independent experiments. g. Other top SIFI substrates are mostly composed of α-helices. The stability of top SIFI substrates identified in our screen was analyzed in wildtype or ΔUBR4 cells by flow cytometry, using our degradation reporters. Similar results in n ≥ 2 independent experiments. AlphaFold2 models of each substrate are shown below. For gel source data, see Supplementary Fig. 1.