Fig. 7. Flow cytometry demonstrates distinct perturbation in immune cell subpopulation in PBMCs.
a Boxplot of the B cell subset naïve (%) in HV (blue; n = 20 independent participants) and PI-ME/CFS (red; n = 17 independent participants) groups, unadjusted two-sided t-test for independent samples with equal variance (p = 0.037). b Boxplot of B cell switched memory in HV (blue; n = 20 independent participants) and PI-ME/CFS (red; n = 16 independent participants) groups, unadjusted two-sided t-test for independent samples with equal variance (p = 0.008). c Boxplot of the CD8 + T cell subset PD-1 (%), Mann–Whitney U test, exact p-value = 0.033. d Boxplot of the CD8 + T cell subset CD226 (%), unadjusted two-sided t-test for independent samples with equal variance (p = 0.055). The samples used for boxplot (d) were collected at a separate time point than the others boxplots; HV (blue; n = 7 independent participants) and PI-ME/CFS (red; n = 8 independent participants) groups. e Boxplot of CD8 + T cell CXCR5 (%), unadjusted two-sided t-test for independent samples with equal variance (p = 0.014). f Boxplot of CD8 + T cell naïve (%), unadjusted two-sided t-test for independent samples with equal variance (p = 0.016). Where indicated the plots shows the measurements from female and male cohorts. Measurements in PBMC samples are shown in shaded box and cerebrospinal fluid samples in open box. For box plots a–f boxes depict the median (horizontal line) within quartiles 1–3 (bounds of box). Whiskers extend to minimum and maximum values. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.