Gcn5 is required for HO expression. (A) Effects of gcn5 disruption on the mRNA levels of the HO, PHO2, and SWI5 genes. Total RNA was extracted from FY120 (GCN5) and JJY54 (gcn5::hisG) grown in YEPD medium to mid-log phase. ACT1 mRNA was used as a control. (B) Genetic relationships between SWI5 and GCN5. β-Galactosidase activity was measured in strains carrying an HO-lacZ reporter gene integrated in the chromosome at the HO locus. The strains used were JJY12 (wild type [wt]), JJY28 (gcn5::hisG), JJY13 (swi5::hisG), and JJY60 (gcn5::hisG swi5::hisG). Values are averages of three independent measurements with less than 10% deviation.