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. 2024 Feb 22;19:38. doi: 10.1186/s13000-024-01453-w

Table 2.

Summary of AI-based predictive algorithms in breast cancer pathology

Year of publication Reference Number of slides for training / validation Pathologists review (training/validation) Algorithm details Algorithm endpoints/outputs Algorithm performance
2020 Li et al [13] 153 invasive breast carcinomas pathologists and molecular pathologists Visiopharm HER2-CONNECT APP Pathological NAC response prediction HER2 DIA connectivity has the strongest association to predict PCR
2021 Bodén et al [19] 200 analyzed areas containing 200 tumor cells three experienced breast pathologists Human in the loop + DIA Ki 67 proliferatio assessment visual estimation (eyeballing) performed significantly worse than DIA alone and DIA with human-in-the-loop corrections (P < 0.05)
2022 Shafi et al [20] 97 invasive breast carcinomas, 73 biopsies, 24 resections Two Pathologists Visiopharm automated ER (DIA) algorithm Estrogen receptor IHC assessment Concordance (91/97, 93.8%)
2023 Abele et al [10] 204 slides 10 participant pathologist form 8 sites Mindpeak Breast Ki-67 RoI and Mindpeak ER/PR RoI quantifying Ki-67, estrogen receptor (ER), and progesterone receptor (PR) in breast cancer

Agreement rates: 95.8% of Ki-67 cases and 93.2% of ER/PR cases

Krippendorff’s α, 0.72

2023 Shen et al [9]


Test: 103

pathologists CNN analysis using the ResNeXt model, SVM and RF analysis, and t-SNE analysis NAC response 95.15% accuracy
2023 Huang et al [21] 62 HER2-positive breast cancer (HER2 +) and 64 triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) two pathologists deep neural network (DeepLabV3) NAC response HER2 + AUC = 0.8975; TNBC AUC = 0.7674
2023 Aswolinskiy et al [22]

Training: 721 patients

Validation: 126 patients

Two pathologists,research assistants Mitosis-Detection CNN & Segmentation CNN NAC response AUC between 0.66 and 0.88
2023 Saednia [23] training:144 patients with 9430 annotated tumor beds validation 63 patients with 3574 annotated tumor beds Board-certified breast pathologists CoAtNet & ViT models NAC response AUCs of 0.79, 0.81, and 0.84 and F1-scores of 86%, 87%, and 89%, respectively