Table 2.
Number of patients, sub-populations, outcomes and main limitations of the secondary analysis of ATHOS-3 clinical trial
Title | Patients | Population | Primary outcomes | Other Results | Main Limitiations |
Outcomes in Patients with Vasodilatory Shock and Renal Replacement Therapy Treated with Intravenous Angiotensin II (Tumlin JA et al. Crit Care Med 2018) |
105 | Subgroups of ATHOS-3, patients who need RRT at the time of study drug initiation, Placebo (n = 60) Ang II ( n = 45) | Difference in 28-day survival between Ang II and placebo groups was 53% vs 30% respectively; unadjusted hazard ratio 0.52; 95% CI, [0.30–0.87] (p = 0.012) |
Day 7 alive and ventilator-free between Ang II and placebo groups was 30,2% vs 10,7% respectively; hazard ratio 3.14 [1.19–8.26] (p value = 0.015) Day 7 alive and renal replacement therapy-free between Ang II and placebo groups was 38% vs 15% respectively; hazard ratio, 2.90 [1.29–6.52] (p value = 0.007) |
Volume status was not analyzed in this post hoc analysis, and the absence of a premorbid serum creatinine precludes any analysis of the impact of preexisting chronic kidney disease |
Outcomes in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome receiving angiotensin II for vasodilatory shock (Busse L et al. Critical Care 2018) |
321 | Subgroup of ATHOS-3, patients with moderate and severe acute ARDS. Placebo n = 158: 32% mild ARDS, 32% moderate ARDS, 12% severe ARDS); Ang II n = 163: 34% mild ARDS, 30% moderate ARDS, 11% severe ARDS | Mean arterial pressure response was achieved by 24%, 25%, and 16% of patients in the placebo group and 67% (OR = 6.7, p < 0.001), 69% (OR = 6.6, p < 0.001), and 61% (OR = 8.4, p = 0.005) in the Ang II group for mild, moderate and severe ARDS respectively | 28-day mortality between placebo and Ang II groups related to ARDS severity. Placebo: Mild 53 [40–67] Moderate 55 [42–69] Severe 74 [53—90]; Ang II Mild 42 [30–56] Moderate 55 [42–69] Severe 50 [30–74] | NA |
Renin and Survival in Patients Given Angiotensin II for Catecholamine-Resistant Vasodilatory Shock: A Clinical Trial. (Bellomo R et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2020) | 255 | Subgroup of ATHOS-3, patients with serum samples available for analysis of renin concentrations at baseline Renin below the median population value (< 172.7 pg/ml) n = 127, placebo 63; Ang II 64; Renin above the median population value (> 172.7 pg/ml) n = 128. placebo 73; Ang II 55) | 28-day mortality rate between placebo and Ang II in patients with renin concentration above the median was 69.9% vs 51.1% respectively, hazard ratio, 0.556 [95% CI, 0.35–0.88] (p = 0.0115). There was no statistically significant difference in 28-day mortality for those with serum renin concentrations below median |
In patients with renin concentration above the median the rate of renal replacement therapy liberation by Day 7 was: Ang II 43% vs placebo 12% (p = 0.01). The mean change in cardiovascular SOFA score at 48 h was significantly greater in the Ang II group (- 1.56 ± 1.79) vs placebo group (- 0.78 ± 1.39) There was no statistically significant difference for those with serum renin concentrations below median |
No measure of angiotensin 1–7, bradykinin, or aldosterone concentrations,. No rigorously assess for the presence or severity of preexisting hypertension, renovascular disease, or chronic kidney disease |
Initiating angiotensin II at lower vasopressor doses in vasodilatory shock: an exploratory post-hoc analysis of the ATHOS-3 clinical trial (Wieruszewski et al. Crit Care 2023) |
321 | Subgroups of ATHOS-3, Low NED (≤ 0.25 μg/kg/min; n = 104. placebo 48; ANGII 56); High NED (> 0.25 μg/kg/min; n = 217. placebo 110; ANGII 107) | Difference in 28-day survival between the Ang II and placebo in NED ≤ 0.25 μg/kg/min: 64% vs 48% (p 0.03); NED > 0.25 μg/kg/min: 49% vs 45%; (p 0.71) | Difference in incidence of discontinuing RRT at day 7 between Ang II and placebo in NED ≤ 0.25 μg/kg/min 59% vs 33% (p = 0.29); NED > 0.25 μg/kg/min 29% vs 11% (p = 0.03) | The study design resulted in only one third of patients being enrolled at NED ≤ 0.25 μg/ kg/min, limiting the generalizability of these data. It is possible that low-NED and high-NED do not correlate with early or late stage of disease |
Ang II: angiotensin II; ARDS Acute respiratory distress syndrome, NED norepinephrine dose equivalent