Figure 5.
Butyrate-engineered yeasts modulate the gut microbiome homeostasis of gut microbiota from IBD patients.
(a) The technical roadmap of using engineered yeasts to intervene in gut microbiota from IBD patients in vitro. GC-MS, Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. (b) The butyrate content in the culture after the different engineered yeasts intervened on the gut microbiota from IBD patients for 24 hours. (c) Observed species richness of the gut microbiota after treatments of different engineered yeasts. (d and e) The gut microbiome α-diversity analysis via Chao 1 estimator (d) and ACE index (e). (f) β-diversity analysis with weighted unifrac as a metric. (g) Principal coordinates analysis plot with Binary-Jaccard dissimilarity as a metric. CON, gut microbiota from healthy volunteers; IBD, IBD gut microbiota (gut microbiota from IBD patients); BY, IBD gut microbiota under the BY4741 (yeast chassis cells) treatment conditions; J1, IBD gut microbiota under the J1(BYJ01) treatment conditions; J4, IBD gut microbiota under the J4(BYJ04) treatment conditions; J8, IBD gut microbiota under the J8(BYJ08) treatment conditions; J16, IBD gut microbiota under the J16(BYJ16)treatment conditions; J17, IBD gut microbiota under the J17(BYJ17) treatment conditions. Data are presented as means ± SEM (n = 6). Statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparison test. *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001 and ****p < .0001.