Concentration dependence of nitrate-induced currents in Xenopus oocytes expressing GmN70. Oocytes expressing GmN70 were analyzed by voltage clamp recording under standard conditions in the presence of varying concentrations of sodium nitrate in the bath. A, I-V plots of oocytes in the presence of 100 mm (white squares), 25 mm (black squares), 10 mm (white triangles), and 1 mm (black triangles) sodium nitrate. B, Plot of steady-state currents as a function of bath nitrate concentration recorded at Vm values of +75 mV (black circles), +55 mV (white circles), +35 mV (black diamonds), and +15 mV (white diamonds). Data are the average of determinations from three oocytes with error bars showing the SEM. C, Imax (black squares) and K0.5 values (white squares) for nitrate-induced outward oocyte currents are expressed as a function of membrane potential (Vm).