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. 2015 Sep 23;2015(9):CD004249. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004249.pub4

Gonzalez‐Iglesias 2009 JO.

Methods Type of trial: RCT
 Number analysed/randomly assigned: 45/45
 Intention‐to‐treat analysis: NA
Protocol: The protocol for this study was approved by the Human Research Committee of the Escuela de Osteopatía de Madrid
Participants Acute neck pain
 Thoracic spine thrust manipulation (TSM): technique: seated distraction manipulation ‐ participant had arms across chest, therapist gently flexed the thoracic spine until tension was felt, and then a distraction thrust manipulation was applied. If no pop was heard, a second attempt was made; frequency: 1 session/wk; dose: grade 5 manipulation; route: thoracic spine
Electrothermal therapy (ETT): type: infrared lamp and TENS; frequency: 2 sessions/wk; dose: infrared 250 W for 15 minutes, TENS 100 Hz for 20 minutes; route: infrared lamp 50 cm from the participant's neck, TENS applied to each side of C7
 Electrothermal therapy (ETT): type: infrared lamp and TENS; frequency: 2 sessions/wk; dose: infrared 250 W for 15 minutes, TENS 100 Hz for 20 minutes; route: infrared lamp 50 cm from the participant's neck, TENS applied to each side of C7
Duration of treatment: 3 weeks, 5 sessions
 Duration of follow‐up: 4 weeks
Outcomes PAIN (intensity at rest change score, VAS, 0 to 100)
Baseline mean: TSM + ETT 54.7, ETT 52.7
IP treatment mean: TSM + ETT 20.2, ETT 44.7
2‐Week follow‐up mean: TSM + ETT 26.4, ETT 41.2
4‐Week follow‐up mean: TSM + ETT 21.5, ETT 42.2
Reported results: significant for comparisons at all time points
IP treatment SMD (TSM + ETT vs ETT): ‐3.43 (95% CI ‐4.38 to ‐2.49)
4‐Week follow‐up SMD (TSM + ETT vs ETT): ‐2.19 (95% CI‐2.94 to ‐1.44); NNTB 7
FUNCTION (Northwich Park Pain Questionnaire, 0 to 36)
Baseline mean: TSM + ETT 27.9, ETT 27.0
IP treatment mean: TSM + ETT 15.2, ETT 23.1
2‐Week follow‐up mean: TSM + ETT 14.7, ETT 21.8
Reported results: significant for comparisons at all time points
IP treatment SMD (TSM + ETT vs ETT): ‐2.17 (95% CI ‐2.92 to ‐1.42)
2‐Week follow‐up SMD (TSM + ETT vs ETT): ‐2.28 (95% CI ‐3.05 to ‐1.52); NNTB 5
4‐Week follow‐up: not collected
Notes For 4‐week disability (NPPQ) data: "We only collected changes in disability up to the 2‐week follow‐up period. It would have been beneficial to see if these benefits remain at 1‐month, similar to the improvements in pain"
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Page 21, column 3, paragraph 3
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk Page 21, column 3, paragraph 3
Blinding of Participants (performance bias) High risk Participants in control did not receive sham or placebo
Blinding of Personal (performance bias) High risk Not possible owing to intervention
Blinding of the Outcome assessor (detection bias) High risk Not possible as participant was assessor of pain
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) Low risk No dropouts
Randomized Participants analysed were allocated (attrition bias) Low risk No dropouts
Selective outcome (reporting bias) Unclear risk No reported protocol
Similar groups at baseline? Low risk  
co‐interventions avoided or similar? Unclear risk Not mentioned
Compliance acceptable? Unclear risk Not mentioned
Similar timing of outcome assessment? Low risk