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. 2015 Sep 23;2015(9):CD004249. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004249.pub4

Saavedra‐Hernandez 2012CR.

Methods Type of trial: RCT
 Number analysed/randomly assigned: 81/82
 Intention‐to‐treat analysis: calculated
Participants Chronic mechanical neck pain
Full manipulation group (A): technique: high‐velocity low‐amplitude thrust, (1) cervical spine: manipulation directed upward and medially in the direction of the participant's contralateral eye, participant in supine position with the cervical spine in a neutral position, (2) cervicothoracic junction: thrust applied toward the participant's right or left side, thrust applied bilaterally, participant prone with head and neck rotated, (3) upper thoracic spine: distraction thrust manipulation directed in an upward direction, participant in supine position with arms crossed; timing: at baseline; frequency: 1 session; dose: 1 to 2 thrusts per area; route: cervical spine, cervicothoracic junction, upper thoracic spine, symptomatic level
Cervical manipulation group (B): technique: high‐velocity low‐amplitude thrust manipulation directed upward and medially in the direction of the participant's contralateral eye, participant in supine position with the cervical spine in a neutral position; timing: at baseline; frequency: 1 treatment session; dose: 1 to 2 thrusts; route: cervical spine, symptomatic level
Duration of treatment: 1 day, 1 session
 Duration of follow‐up: 1 week post treatment
Outcomes PAIN (NPRS, 0 to 10)
 Baseline mean: A 4.9, B 4.8
 End of study mean: A 2.7, B 2.7
 Absolute benefit: A 2.2, B 2.1
 Reported results: equally effective, no significant differences between groups
SMD: 0.08 (95% CI ‐0.36 to 0.51)
FUNCTION (NDI, 0 to 50)
Baseline mean: A 22.2, B 23.7
 End of study mean: A 11.6, B 16.8
 Absolute benefit: A 10.6, B 6.9
 Reported results: statistically significant favouring A
SMD: ‐0.17 (95% CI ‐0.61 to 0.27)
SIDE EFFECTS: reported
Minor increase in neck pain or fatigue after manipulation(s): A 1/41, B 1/40
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Page 3, column 2, paragraph 1
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk Page 3, column 2, paragraph 1
Blinding of Participants (performance bias) High risk Not possible owing to design
Blinding of Personal (performance bias) High risk Not possible owing to design
Blinding of the Outcome assessor (detection bias) High risk Not possible owing to design
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) Low risk Figure 4, page 4
Randomized Participants analysed were allocated (attrition bias) Low risk Figure 4, page 4
Selective outcome (reporting bias) Unclear risk Not reported
Similar groups at baseline? Low risk Table 1, page 5
co‐interventions avoided or similar? Unclear risk Not reported
Compliance acceptable? Low risk Short‐term follow‐up
Similar timing of outcome assessment? Low risk Baseline, 7‐day follow‐up