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. 2015 Sep 23;2015(9):CD004249. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004249.pub4
Study Reason for exclusion
Allan 2003 Intervention: manipulation received in all arms
Allison 2002 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Bablis 2008 Design: quasi‐RCT sequential allocation cohort
Björklund 2012 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Bonk 2000 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Borman 2008 Intervention: mechanical traction
Borusiak 2010 Population: study included only children
Bosmans 2011 Intervention: behavioural exercise programme vs manual therapy
Boyles 2010 Design: this was a secondary analysis in which participants were not randomly assigned
Briem 2007 Intervention: intervention technique was not mobilisation nor manipulation
Brodin 1985 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Brønfort 2001 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Chiu 2011 Intervention: participants received mechanical traction using the Tru‐Trac series 92B machine under the supervision of a physiotherapist
Cleland 2007a Design: not an RCT
Cleland 2009 Intervention: aimed at therapist, not at study population
Cleland 2010 Intervention: manipulation and exercise
Conforti 2013 Intervention: multi‐modal
Cross 2011 Design: article is a systematic review, not an RCT
Cunha 2008 Intervention: both groups underwent manual therapy
De Hertogh 2009 Population: tenstion ‐type headache and migraine
Donkin 2002 Population: tension‐type headache
Dostal 1997 Intervention: manipulation was used in combination with ibuprofen as a control
Durianova 1977 Outcome: outcome measure used was not clearly stated
Dziedzic 2005 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Evans 2012 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Fang 2010 Population: cervical vertigo
Fernandez 2004 JWR Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Fernandez 2008 Population: asymptomatic individuals
Fitz‐Ritson 1994 Population: unsure, sample not adequately described (query whiplash‐associated neck disorder)
Gemmell 2008 Intervention: ischaemic compression and trigger point pressure release on neck pain
Giebel 1997 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Giles 2003 Population: unable to split spinal data. Attempts to contact study author resulted in no response
Goldie 1970 Intervention: manual therapy in active and control groups
Grunnet‐Nilsson 1999 Population: did not meet review inclusion criteria
Gustavsson 2006 Intervention: Control treatment was individualised care (acupuncture, massage, mobs, hot pack, TENS, US, exercise), and we were not able to elucidate the exact treatment mix for the "treat as usual" group
Haas 2003 Design: phase IV diagnostic trial, not an efficacy trial
Hakkinen 2007 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Hemmila 2005 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Hodgson 2006 Intervention: did not consist of mobilisation nor manipulation
Hong 2005 Outcome: included only measures of blood flow
Hoving 2002 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Hurwitz 2005 Outcomes: excluded on basis of outcomes
Hurwitz 2006 Outcome: psychosocial outcome measure
Jahanshahi 1991 Population: no sample with neck disorder meeting inclusion criteria (torticollis)
Jensen 1990 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Jensen 1995 Intervention: no manual therapy intervention
Jensen 2009 Design: observational study
Jiang 2012 Intervention: manual/mechanical traction
Jing 2006 Intervention: Shiatsu type of manipulation
Jordan 1998 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Jull 2001 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Jull 2007 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Karlberg 1996 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Khoury 2002 Intervention: co‐intervention inconsistencies
Design: quasi‐RCT
Ko 2010 Intervention: Control group performed craniocervical flexor exercises
Design: method of randomisation unclear
Koes 1992 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Kogstad 1978 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Kongsted 2007 Interventions: no manual therapy
Krugh 2010 Population: mixed headache
Langevin 2012 Intervention: Mobilisations were combined with exercises
Leboeuf 1987 Population: no sample with neck disorder meeting inclusion criteria (repetitive strain injury of upper limb)
Lee 2010 Design: case study (not an RCT)
Levoska 1993 Intervention: manual therapy in treatment and control groups
Li 2006 Population: canal spinal stenosis unclear; long tract signs
Intervention: local point traction manipulation
Lindell 2008 Population: unable to split data into neck pain‐only group
Linton 2001 Population: unable to split data into neck pain‐only group
Maduro de Camargo 2011 Outcome: PPT was not an outcome of interest in this review
Maiers 2007 Intervention: manipulation plus exercise
Maiers 2013 Population: seniors
Manca 2007 Intervention: no manual therapy included
Mansilla‐Feragut 2009 Outcome was PPT and mouth ROM
Mansilla‐Ferragud 2008 Outcome: PPT was not an outcome of interest in this review
McClatchie 2009 Population: asymptomatic cervical spine; outcomes: no outcomes measuring cervical spine or related disability
McKinney 1989 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
McReynolds 2005 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Mealy 1986 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Metcalfe 2006 Outcome: Muscle strength measure was not part of our inclusion outcomes
Mezaki 1995 Design: unsure RCT
 Population: no participants with neck disorder meeting inclusion criteria (spasmodic torticollis)
Moodley 2002 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Murphy 2010 Intervention: multi‐modal approach including myofascial trigger point and mobilisation techniques
Nagrale 2010 Intervention: integrated neuromuscular inhibition technique (INIT)
Nee 2012 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Nordemar 1981 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Palmgren 2006 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Persson 2001 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Pool 2006 Intervention: behavioural exercise programme
Pool 2010 Intervention: behavioural exercise programme
Provinciali 1996 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Reginiussen 2000 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Reid 2014 Intervention: mobilisation plus exercise
Rubinstein 2007 Design: not a randomised controlled trial
Rupert 2002 Population: rat study; not human study
Schenk 1994 Population: no sample with neck disorder meeting inclusion criteria (normal cervical spine)
Scholten‐Peeters 2003 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Schwerla 2008 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Skargren 1998 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Snyder 1996 Population: Study population did not meet inclusion criteria for the review
Sterling 2001 Design: a mechanistic trial
Strunk 2009 Design: not an RCT but a single‐group study
Tuchin 2000 Population: individuals with migraine
Vasseljen 1995 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Vernon 1990 Outcome: PPT was not an outcome of interest in this review
Walker 2013 Intervention: multi‐modal
Outcome: adverse effects
Whittingham 2001 Outcome: range of motion data only; study does not meet our inclusion criteria
Williams 2003 Outcome: outcomes for neck and back pain combined
Yin 2006 Intervention: injection‐type manipulation
Ylinen 2003 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Ylinen 2007 Intervention: multi‐modal approach
Young 2009 Intervention: traction + MT/Ex vs MT/Ex
Zaproudina 2007 Intervention: multi‐modal approach ‐ traditional bone setting ‐ mobilisation and manipulation
Zhi 2008 Intervention: acupuncture