Fig. 4.
Computed MEPs along the central C4═C5 S1 photoisomerization coordinate (A), and C2═C3 S1 photoisomerization coordinate (B) of 2 (for comparison, the corresponding paths in vacuo are also reported; see dotted lines) (7). Energy profiles have been scaled to match CASPT2 energies. The structures (geometrical parameters in Å and degrees) document the progression of the molecular structure along the coordinate. FC2 is the Franck-Condon structure, SP2 corresponds to the covalent-like S1 skeletal relaxed species, CI2 and TM2 are the TICT (≈90° twisted) S1/S0 CI funnel and twisted minimum, respectively, and TS12 and TS22 are the transition states located along the paths. Ionic- and covalent-like S1 surfaces (as resulting from the analysis of the CAS-SCF wave functions) are illustrated by a white and gray background, respectively. The bar diagrams give the S0 (black), S1 (light gray), and S2 (dark gray) CAS-SCF/6-31G* Mulliken charges for the twisting left and right moieties (the dotted line represents the border between the two moieties) of 2 along the illustrated photoisomerization paths.