Two-hybrid mating assay for the interaction of Tcfs and β-catenin. Baits (indicated above the lanes; pVA3 encodes p53) and preys were transformed in MATa and MATα yeast strains, respectively, and mated with each other. As shown by growth on selective plates (lower panel) or β-galactosidase assay (not shown), all Tcfs (but not the N-terminally truncated hTcf-1 or simian virus 40 large T) interact specifically with β-catenin and not with a control p53 protein (pVA3). All matings grow on nonselective plates (upper panel). −LT, medium lack Leu and Trp; −LTH 25mM 3AT, medium lacking Leu, Trp, and His and containing 25 mM 3-aminotriazole.