Figure 1.
Eight-year INR follow-up of 552 consecutive patients receiving a mechanical prosthesis for rheumatic heart disease at Groote Schuur Hospital, University of Cape Town between 2015 and 2023. (A) Emergency re-replacement of clotted mechanical mitral valve <4 years after primary operation in a patient with notoriously low INR results [from (5) with permission]. (B) A total of 21,826 INR tests were recorded on the National Health Laboratory Database regardless of where the test was done. Although fluctuating over the years, INRs were below range most of the time [the percentage of INR time in range (TTR%) was 27.2% ± 24.1% (blue); below range was 61.4% ± 30.5% (red), and above range was 11.4% ± 17.3% (green)]. (C) Frequency of INR tests per patient, shown separately for men and women, was one every 3–4 weeks on average in the first post-operative year, but it fell progressively to 6–7/year at year 2 and eventually had fallen below 1 year by year 7.