Subject | Forestry and Ecology |
Specific subject area | In situ, laboratory, modelled and multi-platform optical remote sensing data (UAV, airborne and satellite) to monitor Mediterranean oak forests from leaf to canopy scale |
Type of data | GIS vectors for the georeferenced locations of the in situ datasets (.shp for ESRI shapefile format) Tables for the in situ, laboratory and modelled datasets (.txt for text format with tab delimiter) Photos of the in situ forest plots and spectroscopic measurements (.jpg for JPEG format) Figures of dataset illustrations/graphs (.png for PNG format) Georeferenced LiDAR 3-D point clouds for UAV-borne data (.laz for LIDAR Data Exchange format) |
Data format | Raw and analyzed |
Data collection | The SENTHYMED/MEDOAK experiment consisted in seven monthly data collections between April and October 2021, synchronized with Sentinel-2 acquisitions and one AVIRIS-Next Generation airborne campaign, and a complementary ground data collection in June 2023. In addition, punctual PRISMA and DESIS hyperspectral satellite data are available in 2021. Provided datasets include geolocated forest inventories (Trimble and SparkFun RTK Surveyor GPS, Pathfinder office and SW Maps software, QGIS), canopy plant area index (Li-COR LAI-2000/2200, FV2200 software), forest and leaf optical properties (ASD FieldSpec spectroradiometers), soil moisture/temperature (IMKO and Campbell probes), leaf-clip sensor data (Force-A DUALEX and Konica-Minolta SPAD), leaf traits (laboratory facilities, PROSPECT radiative transfer model inversion) and UAV-borne LiDAR 3-D point clouds (Yellowscan Surveyor, DJI Matrice 600 Pro UAV). |
Data source location | For the in-situ data collection and UAV-borne acquisitions:
Data accessibility | Repository name: SEDOO |
Data identification number: