Phage immunity test. λ phages of wild-type (λ) and ultravirulent (λvir) phenotypes (2) were assayed on lawns of bacteria by spot tests at increasing phage titers (from left to right, 102, 103, and 104 PFU per spot). Bacteria were transformed with plasmids containing the λ repressor fused to the actual or putative dimerization elements indicated below. “none,” CSH50 E. coli cells transformed with pcI-NH2 (expressing the NH2-terminal domain of λ repressor without any putative dimerization element); NirA, the same cells transformed with pcI-NDD, containing the putative NirA dimerization domain; Rop, a positive control transformed with pC132, expressing a cI-Rop fusion (the Rop protein efficiently dimerizes to form a bundle of four antiparallel helices); Rop*, transformed with pC135 expressing a cI-Rop* fusion with a mutated Rop protein unable to dimerize (7).