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. 2024 Feb 7;27(3):109148. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2024.109148

Table 3.

Benchmark datasets collected from existing literatures for DDI events prediction tasks

Task Dataset name Drugs DDIs Types Drug-related information Data resource
Multi-class Dm_c179 572 74,528 65 Chemical substructure, Target, Pathway, Enzyme DrugBank, KEGG
Dm_c252 172,426 81 SMILES Ryu et al.80
Dm_c381 1,697 190,728 86 Chemical structure Ryu et al.80
Dm_c482 1,704 191,400 86 SMILES DrugBank
Dm_c583 1,258 323,539 100 Substructure, Target, Enzyme DrugBank
Dm_c684 1,935 589,827 2 Chemical structure DrugBank
Dm_c781 1,013 114,204 71 Chemical structure Ryu et al.80, Lin et al.83
Multi-label Dm_l152 99,002 200 SMILES TWOSIDES
Dm_l285 10,533 1,195,972 39 OGB-biokg78
Dm_l381 751 53,888 200 Chemical structure TWOSIDES,83
Dm_l480 1,861 192,284 86 SMILES DrugBank
Dm_l585 3,797 1,236,361 2 DrugBank
Dm_l685 1,925 56,983 2 KEGG
Dm_l786 1,918 30,979 100 TWOSIDES
Dm_l887 1,597 188,258 106 SMILES, Gene: 22,032
GO terms: 29,692
DrugBank, BioGrid88,89,90
Dm_l981 1,314 103,938 200 Chemical structure TWOSIDES
Dm_l1091 1,317 198,697 86 Protein, Substructure
DrugBank, PubChem

Note: ‘Task’ represents prediction task, ‘Drugs’ represents the number of drugs in the dataset, ‘DDIs’ represents the numbers of drug-drug interactions, and ‘Types’ indicates the number of DDI types, ‘Drug-related information’ represents other types of data, ‘Data resource’ represents the source of the data, ‘-’ represents no clear explanation in the original literature. There are a total of 2,322 drugs in 52.