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. 2024 Feb 7;14(1):247–266. doi: 10.3390/jox14010015

Table 2.

Results of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in breast milk samples (in ng/g lipid and in ng/g breast milk) of 18 Austrian women sampled in 2013 (ranges, medians) and results from the Austrian pooled WHO/UNEP monitoring programme breast milk sample (in ng/g lipid). Table also includes results of calculated daily PBDE intakes (average and high intakes) via breast milk consumption in infants based on breast milk samples from 18 Austrian women sampled in 2013 (in ng/kg bodyweight/d) and results of daily PBDE intakes (average and high intakes) from other European studies listed in EFSA (2011) [21].

PBDE Congener Concentrations in Breast Milk from Austrian Women from 2013 (Pilot Study) WHO Pooled Sample from 2014–2016 1 Daily Intake via Breast Milk Consumption [ng/kg bw/d] 2
[ng/g lipid] [ng/g breast milk] [ng/g lipid] Average intake (present study) EFSA 3
Average intake
High intake (present study) EFSA
High intake
Substance n n < LOD range median range median range median (mean) range median
BDE-15 - - - - - - 0.02 - - - - - -
BDE-17 - - - - - - 0.0017 - - - - - -
BDE-28 18 5 n.d.–0.38 0.048 n.d.–0.012 <LOQ 0.0256 0.0–1.57 0.17 (0.60) <0.05–1.38 0.0–2.36 0.26 (0.90) <0.07–2.06
BDE-47 18 6 n.d.–6.0 0.32 n.d.–0.20 <LOQ 0.412 0.0–26.2 1.84 (6.11) 0.64–13.77 0.0–39.3 2.75 (9.17) 0.96–20.64
BDE-49 18 11 n.d.–0.67 n.d. n.d.–0.021 n.d. 0.01 0.0–2.75 0.0 (0.32) - 0.0–4.13 0.0 (0.48) -
BDE-66 18 11 n.d.–0.48 n.d. n.d.–0.015 n.d. <LOQ 0.0–1.97 0.0 (0.25) - 0.0–2.95 0.0 (0.37) -
BDE-75 - - - - - - <LOQ - - - - - -
BDE-77 18 12 n.d.–0.38 n.d. n.d.–0.012 n.d. <LOQ 0.0–1.57 0.0 (0.17) - 0.0–2.36 0.0 (0.25) -
BDE-85 18 18 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. - 0.0 0.0 (0.0) - 0.0 0.0 (0.0) -
BDE-99 18 6 n.d.–2.4 0.153 n.d.–0.11 <LOQ 0.128 0.0–14.43 0.79 (3.05) <0.14–5.05 0.0–21.64 1.18 (4.57) <0.14–7.57
BDE-100 18 4 n.d.–1.1 0.16 n.d.–0.034 0.0065 0.126 0.0–4.46 0.85 (1.23) 0.18–4.59 0.0–6.69 1.28 (1.85) 0.28–6.88
BDE-118 18 12 n.d.–0.38 n.d. n.d.–0.012 n.d. - 0.0–1.57 0.0 (0.18) - 0.0–2.36 0.0 (0.27) -
BDE-119 - - - - - - 0.01 - - - - - -
BDE-126 18 17 n.d.–0.024 n.d. n.d.–0.0011 n.d. - 0.0–0.14 0.0 (0.01) - 0.0–0.22 0.0 (0.01) -
BDE-138 - - - - - - 0.0042 - - - - - -
BDE-139 18 14 n.d.–0.25 n.d. n.d.–0.0079 n.d. - 0.0–1.04 0.0 (0.10) - 0.0–1.55 0.0 (0.15) -
BDE-153 18 2 n.d.–0.86 0.23 n.d.–0.028 0.011 0.548 0.0–5.51 1.44 (1.54) 0.46–11.02 0.0–5.51 2.16 (2.31) 0.69–16.51
BDE-154 18 12 n.d.–1.3 n.d. n.d.–0.041 n.d. 0.0124 0.0–5.38 0.0 (0.57) <0.05–2.30 0.0–8.07 0.0 (0.85) <0.07–3.44
BDE-181 18 18 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. - 0.0 0.0 (0.0) - 0.0 0.0 (0.0) -
BDE-183 18 3 n.d.–0.37 0.054 n.d.–0.012 <LOQ 0.05 0.0–1.57 0.25 (0.52) 0.23–1.38 0.0–2.36 0.37 (0.78) 0.34–2.06
BDE-190 - - - - - - <LOQ - - - - - -
BDE-196 18 13 n.d.–0.21 n.d. n.d.–0.011 n.d. - 0.0–1.44 0.0 (0.19) - 0.0–2.16 0.0 (0.29) -
BDE-197 18 1 n.d.–0.39 0.095 n.d.–0.020 <LOQ - 0.0–2.62 0.70 (0.75) - 0.0–3.93 1.04 (1.13) -
BDE-203 18 13 n.d.–0.35 n.d. n.d.–0.018 n.d. 1.35 0.0–2.36 0.0 (0.30) - 0.0–3.54 0.0 (0.45) -
BDE-206 - - - - - - 1.35 - - - - - -
BDE-207 18 9 n.d.–2.5 0.035 n.d.–0.13 <LOQ 0.24 0.0–17.1 1.93 (3.51) - 0.0–25.6 2.90 (5.27) -
BDE-208 - - - - - - 0.1 - - - - - -
BDE-209 18 8 n.d.–43 9.5 n.d.–2.2 <LOQ - 0.0–289 57.1 (70.4) 0.96–13.31 0.0–433 85.6 (106) 1.44–19.95
Sum 8 BDE 4 18 1 n.d.–12.5 1.06 n.d.–0.39 0.056 - 0.0–51.5 7.32 (13.34) - 0.0–77.3 10.98 (20.02) -
Sum PBDE 18 0 0.055–52 11 0.002–2.53 0.47 4.38 5 0.28–332 61.90 (89.78) - 0.41–497 92.84 (135) -
Technical mixtures
TetraBDE 6 18 6 n.d.–0.238 0.0169 n.d.–7.53 0.423 - - - - - - -
PentaBDE 7 18 3 n.d.–0.134 0.0135 n.d.–3.88 - - - - - - - -
HexaBDE 8 18 2 n.d.–0.0759 0.0125 n.d.–2.41 - - - - - - - -
HeptaBDE 9 18 3 n.d.–0.012 0.0019 n.d.–0.37 - - - - - - - -
OctaBDE 10 18 1 n.d.–0.044 0.0063 n.d.–0.85 - - - - - - - -

Abbreviations: LOD: limit of detection; LOQ: limit of quantification; n: sample size; n.d.: not detected. 1 pooled breast milk sample from 34 Austrian women aged 21–36 years from 2014 to 2016. 2 daily intakes were calculated based on results of PBDE congener concentrations in individual breast milk samples of this study (n = 18) according to the calculation procedure published in EFSA (2011) [21] and considering the following assumptions: 800 mL breast milk consumption per day for average intake, 1200 mL breast milk consumption per day for high intake and 6.1 kg infant bodyweight. 3 Source: EFSA (2011) [21]. 4 sum of BDE-28, BDE-47, BDE-66, BDE-85, BDE-99, BDE-100, BDE-153 and BDE-154. 5 sum of BDE-15, BDE-17, BDE-28, BDE-47, BDE-49, BDE-66, BDE-75, BDE-99, BDE-100, BDE-119, BDE-138, BDE-153, BDE-154, BDE-183, BDE-190, BDE-203, BDE-204, BDE-207 and BDE208. 6 TetraBDE: sum of BDE-47, BDE-49, BDE-66 and BDE-77. 7 PentaBDE: sum of BDE-85, BDE-99, BDE-100, BDE-118 and BDE-126. 8 HexaBDE: sum of BDE-139, BDE-153 and BDE-154. 9 HeptaBDE: sum of BDE-181 and BDE-183. 10 OctaBDE: sum of BDE-196, BDE-197 and BDE-203.