Example of a cued trial in Experiment 1. The six grey placeholder circles remained on screen during an entire block. Each trial started with a fixation display shown for a random duration between 400 and 600 ms before the target (a Gabor patch tilted ±45° from vertical) appeared within one of the six placeholder circles for 50 ms at either 4°, 12°, or 20° eccentricity, measured from screen center. In cued trials, one of the placeholder circles was dimmed, serving as a cue, after a blank (fixation) interval (50 ms/350 ms). Cues could be valid, appearing at the target position, or invalid, appearing at one of three positions on the opposite display side of the target. In neutral (uncued) trials, no cue was presented. Uncued trials served the same function of providing a neutral baseline against which advantages in valid or costs in invalid conditions could be compared, as were the double-cue conditions in Sergent et al. (2013) [5]. Participants had 1 s to indicate the orientation of the Gabor patch, followed by immediate feedback on the screen. SOA = Stimulus Onset Asynchrony. For improved legibility, stimuli are not drawn to scale.