(a) Heat capacity at
constant pressure, Cp, obtained from differentiating a cubic spline
fit of the temperature-dependent cell energies, Cp = dUtot/dT. The solid line represents a second-order polynomial
fit up to 1500 K, the temperature range with negligible amounts of
anti-Frenkel defects. The dashed line is an extrapolation of the polynomial
fit to 2900 K. (b) Excess heat capacity, ΔCp, calculated as the difference between
the defect-free system [extrapolated values, dashed line in (a)] and
the observed system (black circles). The values for ΔH⊖aF and ΔS⊖aF were obtained by fitting eq 16 with a weighted linear regression
to the data. Error bars are based on the uncertainties of the second-order
polynomial fit [solid line in (a)].