(a, b) Tuning the excitation
laser power reveals Rabi rotations
in the spectrally filtered single-photon detector counts of the X-
(blue, upper panel) and XX- (green, lower panel) states up to 4π,
confirming the coherent population of the three-level system. Solid
lines correspond to fits and dashed red lines to the extracted envelope
function from which preparation fidelities >80% are extracted.
The decay dynamics illustrate the cascaded emission under pulsed TPE,
with the X-photons (blue line) appearing delayed with respect to the
XX-photons (green). The XX-state decays ≈4× faster than
the X-state. (d, e) The second-order autocorrelation measurement confirms
the single-photon-nature of X- (blue) and XX- (green) emission.