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. 2023 Jul 28;25(Suppl 1):S5–S15. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntad010

Table 5.

Weighted Endorsed Reasons for Cigar Smokinga Among Adult Current Establishedb Premium and Nonpremium Traditional Cigar, Cigarillo, and Filtered Cigar Smokers, PATH Study Wave 6, 2021

Traditional cigars overallc
(n = 408)
Premium traditional cigarsd
(n = 267)
Nonpremium traditional cigars
(n = 125)
(n = 503)
Filtered cigars
(n = 240)
W% (95% CI) W% (95% CI) W% (95% CI) W% (95% CI) W% (95% CI)
They are affordable 36.8 (30.3–43.9) 29.1 (22.1–37.3) 53.8 (38.2–68.6) 71.4 (66.5–75.9) 73.2 (64.2–80.6)
They come in flavors I like 49.5 (42.8–56.3) 40.1 (32.7–48.0) 73.8 (62.2–82.8) 68.3 (62.4–73.6) 69.2 (61.3–76.2)
I can smoke them at times when or in places where smoking cigarettes is not allowed 12.5 (8.1–18.8) 8.9 (5.6–14.0) 20.4 (11.1–34.5) 12.3 (9.1–16.3) 16.3 (10.7–23.9)
They might be less harmful than cigarettes 33.3 (27.5–39.7) 34.9 (28.1–42.4) 29.7 (19.2–42.9) 25.4 (20.6–30.9) 22.7 (17.6–28.8)
They might be less harmful–people around me than smoking cigarettes 22.7 (17.8–28.4) 20.9 (15.8–27.0) 26.2 (16.4–39.3) 19.8 (15.6–24.8) 20.0 (15.1–26.1)
Smoking them satisfies my cravings for cigarettes 46.0 (34.7–57.8) 35.0 (22.5–50.0) 54.9 (35.4–73.0) 55.3 (47.5–62.8) 58.0 (47.5–67.9)
Smoking them feels like smoking a regular cigarette 13.6 (8.5–21.0) 6.0 (3.1–11.6) 30.6 (17.2–48.4) 27.2 (22.6–32.2) 46.4 (38.1–55.0)
Smoking them helps people–quit smoking cigarettes 18.0 (11.2–27.8) 18.8 (10.1–32.2) 18.2 (8.9–33.9) 24.4 (18.9–30.8) 21.5 (15.2–29.6)
I smoke them as a way to cut down on cigarette smoking 19.5 (12.7–28.8) 11.6 (5.5–22.7) 26.8 (15.4–42.5) 33.0 (26.6–40.1) 26.9 (19.9–35.2)

W = weighted; CI = confidence interval; PATH = Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health.

aParticipants were shown a set of reasons (in a randomized order) for why people smoke cigars and were asked to select whether the reason applied to them (“yes”/“no”). The response options have changed since the Corey et al. paper and Wave 1. Since then, there are five response options that are no longer in the Wave 6 instrument and there are two response options (They might be less harmful to people around me than smoking cigarettes, and Smoking them satisfies my cravings for cigarettes) that have been added since Wave 1.

bCurrent established cigar use is defined as fairly regular use and currently using every day or some days.

cSixteen traditional cigar users were not able to be classified as premium versus nonpremium status because of missing brand and cigar price per stick data.

dPremium brand excludes ACID, which had been considered a premium brand by Corey et al. 2018. Please see Supplementary Materials for premium cigar definition, and tables that show these analyses with ACID considered as a premium brand.

Estimate should be interpreted with caution because it has low statistical precision. It is based on a denominator sample size of less than 50, or the coefficient of variation of the estimate or its complement is larger than 30%.