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. 2024 Feb 15;9(2):117. doi: 10.3390/biomimetics9020117
Algorithm 1 Brain Storm Optimization (BSO)
  • 1:

    Initialization: Randomly generate λ individuals (potential solutions) to form the initial population P={ξ1,ξ2,,ξλ} and evaluate the λ individuals;

  • 2:

    while fail to achieve the predetermined maximum number of iterations do

  • 3:

       Clustering: Use clustering algorithms to divide λ individuals into m clusters;

  • 4:

       Disrupting: The mutation occurs with a certain probability, and a randomly selected cluster’s central individual is replaced by a randomly generated new individual;

  • 5:

       Updating: Randomly choose one or two clusters to create a new individual;

       Compare the newly generated individual and the original individual with the same individual index. The better one will be saved as the new individual;

       Update the whole population; the offspring population is recorded as P={ξ1,ξ2,,ξλ}. Evaluate the individuals in P;

  • 6:

    end while

  • 7:

    Output the most optimal solution discovered.