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[Preprint]. 2024 Feb 13:2024.02.12.24302710. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.02.12.24302710

Figure 5.

Figure 5.

Within cohort and meta-analysis unadjusted and age-adjusted female log-odds ratio estimates (95% confidence interval) for colorectal cancer (phecode CA_101.41). Point estimate shapes and fill colors correspond to the weighting method (white circle, unweighted; dark blue square, inverse probability (IP)-weighted; pink triangle, poststratification (PS)-weighted). Line colors correspond to the cohort (orange, AOU; blue, MGI; green, UKB; black, meta-analysis). Shaded region represents range of age-adjusted log(incidence rate ratio [IRR]) estimates from 2018–2020 US SEER data and an age-standardized log(IRR) estimate from White et al. 2018 from the UK.54