Fig. 3. Association of PRACME signature score with clinical and genomic features.
In Bueno MPM data, (a) PRACME score in three major histologies: epithelioid, biphasic, and sarcomatoid; P-value was calculated from pairwise comparison among 3 groups by using the t test. b PRACME score in subgrouping of asbestos exposure and no asbestos exposure. c PRACME Score Kaplan–Meier plot in epithelioid patients. d Forest plots showed univariable and multivariable Cox regression analysis in both Bueno and Bott datasets. e, f Correlation between PRACME score and immune gene VSIR and corresponding correlation between VSIR gene expression and patient survival. g, h Correlation between PRACME score and CD276 gene expression and corresponding correlation between CD276 gene expression and patient survival. i Correlation of immune infiltration of Memory B cells, Naïve B cells, and CD4+ T cells and PRACME score.