Flow cytometric analysis of RVFV-infected primary microglial cells. Primary microglia were infected with RVFV MP-12 or ZH501, and at 16 h post infection cells were harvested for flow cytometry along with uninfected controls. The percentage of live cells are indicated as zombie yellow negative (A). Representative plots indicated CD45 and CD11b expression (B). The percentages of CD45hi CD11bhi cells were quantitated in the indicated conditions (C). The expression levels of CD86 (D) or CD80 (E) were assessed on uninfected, MP-12-infected or ZH501-infected cells, as indicated. Data in C-E are shown as the mean +/− SD of triplicate samples from a representative experiment performed twice. ns = not significant, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, **** p < 0.0001.