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. 2023 Apr 18;33(3):847–860. doi: 10.1007/s00787-023-02205-9

Table 1.

Population characteristics and description at age 14

Variable Overall, N = 1431 Boy, N = 771 Girl, N = 661 p2 Adjusted p3
Age in years 14.46 (0.17) 14.46 (0.16) 14.45 (0.19) 0.4 0.7
Thelarche or testicular development 3.81 (0.78) 3.69 (0.80) 3.95 (0.73) 0.044 0.2
Pubarche 3.64 (0.85) 3.35 (0.74) 3.97 (0.86)  < 0.001  < 0.001
zBMI − 0.09 (1.00) − 0.18 (1.04) 0.02 (0.95) 0.093 0.2
Sick in the week before the home visit (yes/overall) 7/138 (5.1%) 3/73 (4.1%) 4/65 (6.2%) 0.7 0.8
(Missing) 5 4 1
Oral antibiotics in the past one year (yes/overall) 2/143 (1.4%) 0/77 (0%) 2/66 (3.0%) 0.2 0.5
Diet quality 86.94 (16.84) 84.06 (17.74) 90.15 (15.29) 0.079 0.2
(Missing) 12 8 4
Omega-3 fatty acids (yes/overall) 5/138 (3.6%) 2/73 (2.7%) 3/65 (4.6%) 0.7 0.8
(Missing) 5 4 1
Probiotics (yes/overall) 0/138 (0%) 0/73 (0%) 0/65 (0%)
(Missing) 5 4 1
Physical activity 2.34 (0.55) 2.33 (0.57) 2.34 (0.54)  > 0.9  > 0.9
(Missing) 7 5 2
Drinking alcohol in the past one year (yes/overall) 29/141 (21%) 17/75 (23%) 12/66 (18%) 0.5 0.7
(Missing) 2 2 0
Smoking cigarettes in the past one year (yes/overall) 4/141 (2.8%) 1/75 (1.3%) 3/66 (4.5%) 0.3 0.6
(Missing) 2 2 0
Taking drugs in the past one year (yes/overall) 5/141 (3.5%) 2/75 (2.7%) 3/66 (4.5%) 0.7 0.8
(Missing) 2 2 0
Bristol score4 3.12 (0.96) 3.23 (0.91) 2.98 (1.00) 0.058 0.2
(Missing) 23 13 10
Maternal education level 5.94 (1.33) 5.79 (1.51) 6.12 (1.06) 0.4 0.7
Paternal education level 5.39 (1.83) 5.34 (1.95) 5.45 (1.69)  > 0.9  > 0.9
(Missing) 8 4 4
Overnight sleep duration in hours 8.24 (1.06) 8.37 (1.12) 8.10 (0.99) 0.086 0.2
(Missing) 6 5 1
Pets (yes/overall) 96/143 (67%) 49/77 (64%) 47/66 (71%) 0.3 0.6
Internalizing behavior 4.14 (3.03) 3.02 (2.39) 5.44 (3.20)  < 0.001  < 0.001
Min, median, max 0, 4, 16 0, 3, 10 0, 5, 16
Clinically significant, yes/overall 28/142 (20%) 6/76 (7.9%) 22/66 (33%)
(Missing) 1 1 0
Externalizing behavior 6.33 (2.94) 6.16 (3.09) 6.52 (2.76) 0.7 0.8
Min, median, max 0, 6, 15 0, 6, 12 1, 6, 15
Clinically significant, yes/overall 51/142 (36%) 29/76 (38%) 22/66 (33%)
(Missing) 1 1 0
Social anxiety 41.20 (12.62) 38.14 (12.17) 44.63 (12.32) 0.001 0.008
Min, median, max 18, 39, 79 18, 36, 79 18, 43, 71
Clinically significant, yes/overall 34/138 (25%) 13/73 (18%) 21/65 (32%)
(Missing) 5 4 1

1Mean (SD); n/N (%)

2Wilcoxon rank sum test; Fisher's exact test; Pearson's Chi-squared test

3False discovery rate correction for multiple testing

4Bristol stool consistency scale was used as a numeric variable