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. 2024 Feb 26;10(1):00572-2023. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00572-2023


Patient demographics of University of South Alabama ICU patients

Characteristic Healthy controls ICU-non-sepsis# ICU-sepsis
Patients, n 176 36 77
Age years, mean (range) 38 (22–76) 55.7 (21–82) 58.9 (20–91)
Male sex, n (%) 55 (31.3) 16 (44.4) 44 (57.1)
Female sex, n (%) 121 (68.7) 20 (55.6) 35 (45.5)
Race, n (%)
White 137 (77.8) 19 (52.8) 35 (45.5)
Black 33 (18.8) 17 (47.2) 42 (54.5)
Intubated, n (%) N/A 7 (19.4) 32 (41.6)
Vasopressor, n (%) N/A 3+ (8.6) 21 (27.3)
SOFA score, mean N/A 2.74 5.47
Days in hospital, mean N/A 9.03 16.55
Days in ICU, mean N/A 3.15 6.13
GCS, mean N/A 12.91 10.42
Mortality in ICU, n (%) N/A 1 (2.78) 18 (23.4)

SOFA: Sequential (Sepsis-Related) Organ Failure Assessment; GCS: Glasgow Coma Scale; ICU: intensive care unit; N/A: not applicable. #: stroke and seizure/encephalophagy accounted for 50% and 20% of ICU-non-sepsis patients, respectively; : intubation status of two sepsis patients are unknown; +: vasopressor status of one ICU non-sepsis patient is unknown.