Fig. 3.
A–C Analysis of prioritization of easy-to-target genes for the Mouse Endoderm dataset. Accuracy and the numbers of easy-to-target genes included in gene panels when A priority scores of all genes = 0, and B priority scores of easy-to-target genes = 1, co-efficient of priority () = 0.2 for varying panel sizes, and C priority scores of easy to probe genes = 1, panel size = 500 for varying co-efficient of priority (). D–F Analysis of YAP-target genes upon dysregulation of the Hippo signaling pathway on the Head and Neck Cancer dataset. D Comparison of accuracy and the number of YAP-target genes taken in a panel of size 60 with and without prioritization. t-SNE plots of Fibroblast subtypes using gene panel of size 60 with E YAP-target genes prioritized and F YAP-target genes not prioritized. G–I Receptor-ligand complex analysis on the PBMC 3k dataset. G Comparison of accuracy and the number of receptor-ligand pairs taken in a panel of size 60 with and without prioritization. H Receptor-ligand complexes included in the panel. I Dot plot showing, for each gene encoding receptors or ligands, fractions of cells of each type where they are expressed, and their mean expressions