Fig. 4.
Comparison of methods based on expert-annotated marker genes. a Recall of methods when selecting marker genes in the Lawlor dataset using a set of expert-annotated marker genes as the ground truth. The marker genes used to annotate the clustering in the original publication describing the Lawlor dataset were used as the set of expert-annotated marker genes. The top gene was selected from the output of each method. b As in (a) but for the pbmc3k dataset, using the (at most) top 10 marker genes from each method and taking the set of expert-annotated marker genes to be those used in the Seurat package’s “Guided Clustering Tutorial.” c The number of clusters that are successfully annotated using the selected marker genes in the Lawlor datasets (other details as in a). A specific cluster is defined as successfully annotated if the selected marker genes include all the expert-annotated marker genes for that cluster. d The same success of annotation analysis as in (c) but for the pbmc3k dataset, with the details of the expert-annotated marker genes and number of selected marker genes as in (b)