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. 2024 Jan 26;5(2):101393. doi: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2024.101393

Mouse BD Fc block BD Biosciences Cat # 553142; RRID: AB_394656
PE anti-mouse PDL1 Biolegend Cat # 155404; RRID: AB_2728222
AF700 anti-mouse CD8 BD Biosciences Cat # 557959; RRID: AB_396959
APC anti-mouse CD45 BD Biosciences Cat # 559864; RRID: AB_398672
Human TruStain FcX Biolegend Cat # 422302; RRID: AB_2818986
PE anti-human PD-L1 Biolegend Cat # 329706; RRID: AB_940368
Pacific Blue anti-mouse CD40 BioLegend Cat # 124626; RRID: AB_2561476
BUV395 Rat Anti-Mouse H-2 Class I BD Biosciences Cat # 749705; RRID: AB_2873959
PE rat anti-mouse CD86 BD Biosciences Cat # 553692; RRID:AB_394994
APC rat anti-mouse CD209a BD Biosciences Cat # 564928; RRID:AB_2739011
BV421 anti-human CD4 Biolegend Cat # 317434; RRID: AB_2562134
BUV805 mouse anti-human CD8 BD Biosciences Cat # 612889; RRID: AB_2833078
FITC Ki-67 monoclonal antibody eBiosciences Cat # 11-5698-82; RRID: AB_11151330
BV786 mouse anti-human CD69 BD Biosciences Cat # 563834; RRID: AB_2738441
PE-Cy7 mouse anti-human IFN-γ BD Biosciences Cat # 557643; RRID: AB_396760
Annexin V- PE BD Biosciences Cat # 556421; RRID: AB_2869071
7-AAD BD Biosciences Cat # 559925; RRID: AB_2869266
p-ATM S1981 Cell Signaling Technology Cat #5883
p-ATR T1989 Cell Signaling Technology Cat #30632; RRID: AB_2798992
p-Chk1 S317 Cell Signaling Technology Cat #12302; RRID: AB_2893473
p-Chk2 T68 Cell Signaling Technology Cat #2197; RRID: AB_331479
GAPDH Cell Signaling Technology Cat #2118; RRID: AB_561053
Peroxidase AffiniPure goat anti-rabbit IgG (H + L) Jackson Immunoresearch Cat #111-035-144; RRID: AB_2307391

Biological samples

IMvigor130 mUC samples Genentech N/A
IMvigor130 PBMC collection for CITE-seq (n = 113) This study N/A

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

Cisplatin Sigma Aldrich CAS#: 15663-27-1
Carboplatin Sigma Aldrich CAS#: 41575-94-4
KU-55933 (ATM Kinase Inhibitor) Selleckchem Cat#: S1092
VE-821(ATR inhibitor IV) Selleckchem Cat#: S8007
Halt protease and phosphatase inhibitor cocktail, EDTA-free Thermo Fisher Cat#: 78441

Critical commercial assays

10x Chromium Next GEM Chip G Kit 10X Genomics
Pan T cell Isolation Kit, human Miltenyi Biotec Cat# 130-096-535
Dynabeads Human T-Activator CD3/CD28 for T cell expansion and activation Thermo Fisher Cat# 11161D
CD14 MicroBeads, human Miltenyi Biotec Cat# 130-050-201
CellXVivo human monocyte-derived DC differentiation kit R&D Cat# CDK004
Cytiva Ficoll-Paque PLUS Media Fisher Scientific Cat# 45-001-749
Human IFNg ELISA kit BD Biosciences Cat.# 555142
Mouse CXCL10 ELISA kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# BMS6018
Mouse HMGB1 ELISA kit Tecan Cat# 30164033
CellTrace Blue Cell Proliferation kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# C34568
RNeasy kits Qiagen
FITC Annexin V Apoptosis Detection Kit with 7-AAD BD Biosciences Cat#: 556547
RIPA buffer Sigma
LIVE/DEAD Fixable Aqua Dead Cell Stain Kit Invitrogen L34957

Deposited data

Raw and analyzed bulk RNAseq (cell lines) This paper GEO: GSE235066
PBMC scRNA-seq raw counts and metadata This paper EGAS50000000104
IMvigor130 bulk RNAseq processed data (patient tumors) This paper EGAS50000000104

Experimental models: Cell lines

Human cell line: 5637 Genentech N/A
Human cell line: RT112 Genentech N/A
Mouse cell line: MC38 Genentech N/A
Mouse cell line: MC38-OVA Genentech N/A

Experimental models: Organisms/strains


Software and algorithms

R statistical software, version 4.0.2 The R Foundation
GSNAP Wu et al., 201649; Wu et al., 201050
survminer package, version 0.4.8 CRAN Repository
survival package, version 3.2–7 CRAN Repository
limma package, 3.44.3 Bioconductor
fgsea package, 1.14.0 Bioconductor
CellRanger, 3.1.0 10X Genomics
Seurat, v3.2.2 Stuart et al., 201951
Harmony, v1.0 Korsunsky et al., 201952
FlowJo Becton Dickinson
Graphpad Prism 7.0 software GraphPad Software, Inc.
GSVA Bioconductor