Figure 2. OGTT (A-B) and ITT (C-D) in Ubap2flox/flox and U2KO animals, stratified by age and sex, with a chow-fed diet.
(A-B) Glucose levels during OGTT experiments. After a 12 hour fast, animals received an I.P. injection of 1g/kg aqueous glucose. The blood glucose levels (mg/dL) were measured at different time points using a glucometer. (C-D) Glucose levels during ITT experiments. After a 12 hour fast, animals received an I.P. injection of 0.75 UI/kg. The blood glucose levels (mg/dL) were measured at different time points using a glucometer. (A-D) Glucose area under the curve (AUC) were generated through a baseline (Y=0) and ignoring peaks less than 10% of the distance from min-max of Y. The AUC of Blood glucose levels was analyzed via an ordinary One-Way ANOVA with Multiple Comparisons to the Control (Ubap2flox/flox) of each stratification category. Data are expressed as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM), n=5–7. All analyses were performed through GraphPad-PRISM (7.04) (* = P < 0.01).