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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Feb 27.
Published in final edited form as: Sociol Educ. 2019 May 12;92(3):247–268. doi: 10.1177/0038040719848445

Table 2.

The Relationship between Methodological Choices and the Estimated Diversionary Effects of Community College Entrance: Results from Studies That Restrict Treatment to Transfer Students.

Meta-regression models
Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Model 4
Model 5a
Variable β(SE) df p β(SE) df p β(SE) df p β(SE) df p β(SE) df p

Sample restrictions
−.04 (.02) 46.7 .075 −.06 (.02) 41.8 .008 −.05 (.02) 41.6 .032 −.06 (.02) 42.6 .01 1 −.06 (.02) 22.7 .008
 Different cohort defmition . 15 (.06) 2.0 .128 . 16 (.06) 2.0 .124 . 15 (.06) 2.2 .1 17 . 15 (.06) 2.5 .095
 Baccalaureate aspirations
Identification strategyb
.02 (.07) 1.0 .840 −.06 (.04) l.l .346 −.08 (.05) l.l .292 −.14 (.12) 1.2 .451
 Regression .04 (.05) 2.1 .523 .02 (.05) l.l .707 .02 (.05) 1.2 .695
 PSM . 17 (.06) 1.7 .131 .14 (.07) 1.2 .261 .14 (.07) 1.2 .259
 Exogenous variation
Statistical controls
.12 (.03) 2.2 .053 .08 (.03) 1.3 .146 .08 (.02) 1.3 .137
 Background .05 (.00) 1.4 .000 .05 (.00) 2.6 .000
 Aspirations −.04 (.05) 1.2 .526 −.06 (.05) 1.2 .420
 Enrollment pattern
Data characteristics
−. 17 (.05) 1.5 .1 14 −. 17 (.06) 1.5 .127
 Year began collegec .00 (.00) 14.5 .096
 Years follow-upc .03 (.02) 7.3 .238
 Control group graduationc
Variance components
−.46 (. 13) 16.0 .003
 Study level .00 (.01) .01 (.01) .01 (.01) .01 (.01) .01 (.01)
 Data level .02 (.01) .01 (.01) .01 (.01) .01 (.01) .01 (.00)

Note: The analytic sample includes 31 studies with 48 data sources and 72 effect sizes. The table presents unstandardized coefficients (β), Standard errors (SE), degrees of freedom (df), and p values (p) obtained from mixed-effects meta-regression models using robust standard errors and an estimated intercorrelation within author/data-source clusters of 0.80. β represents the change in the risk difference for every one-unit change in the predictor. Intercept β represents the estimated risk difference for entering a community college while holding other measures in the model at their means (all variables are grand-mean centered). Coefficients in bold are statistically significant (p<.05 when df>4.0; p<.01 when df<4.0). PSM = propensity score matching.


In Model 5, we drop one study, Gonzales (1999), that does not provide information about the length of follow-up. We ran additional analyses including Gonzales (1999) and dropping the years follow-up measure; this did not alter the patterns of effects.


Reference category is mean comparison.


Continuous variable.