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. 2024 Feb 14;12:1344337. doi: 10.3389/fped.2024.1344337

Table 4.

Randomized controlled trials comparing hydrocortisone vs. placebo.

Reference (authors, year) Extubation Reintubation BPD Others respiratory outcome Systemic hypertension HG Sepsis/infection PDA IVH NEC ROP Long-term NDV Long-term growth
Halbmeijer (16) + NE NE + NE NE NE NE NE NE NE
Watterberg (17) + NE = = = = = = = = At 22–26 months = At 22–26 months =
Onland (18) + NE = ND = + a = = = NE NE NE
Baud (19) ND NE + b = ND ND b + b = = ND At 2 years: +b NE
Baud (20) + NE = = = = b + = = = NE NE
Parikh (21) NE NE = NE NE NE NE NE =c NE NE 18 months of corrected age = 18 months of corrected age =
Parikh (22) = NE = = = = = NE =c = NE NE NE
Peltoniemi (23) NE NE = NE NE NE NE + = d = At 2 years: = At 2 years: =
Watterberg (24) NE NE = NE NE NE NE NE = =d = Adjusted age 20 months + Adjusted age 20 months =
Bonsante (25) NE NE = + = = = = = = = NE NE
Ng (26) NE NE = + = = = NE = = = NE NE
Peltoniemi (27) = NE = + = = = + = d = NE NE
Efird (28) NE NE = = = = = = = = = NE NE
Watterberg (29) NE NE = = = = = = = d = NE NE
Watterberg (30) ND ND + + = = = = = = = NE NE

+, Better outcome for intervention group (steroids administration); −, worse outcome for intervention group (steroids administration); =, no differences between intervention and control groups; NE, not evaluated; ND, not declared; BPD, bronchopulmonary dysplasia; HG, hyperglycemia; PDA, patent ductus arteriosus; IVH, intraventricular hemorrhage; NEC, necrotizing enterocolitis; ROP, retinopathy of prematurity; NDV, neurodevelopment; GA, gestational age; BW, birth weight.




For those born at 24–25 weeks of gestational age.


White matter injury.


Gastrointestinal perforation.