1 | Upper corolla lip with trichome transparent to white | 2 |
– | Upper corolla lip with trichomes brown to black | 4 |
2 | No branched trichomes on leaf and bract | P.henryi |
– | With branched trichomes on leaf and bract | 3 |
3 | Floral bracts with branched trichomes, bracts linear to lanceolate | P.bracteosa |
– | Floral bracts with simple trichomes only, bracts needle-like to subulate | P.rotata |
4 | Floral bracts with trichomes brown to black | 5 |
– | Floral bracts with trichomes transparent to white | 6 |
5 | Floral bracts with black simple trichomes, no branched trichomes | P.tibetica |
– | Floral bracts with brown simple and branched trichomes | P.milingensis |
6 | Floral bracts less than 1 cm long, with branched trichomes | P.breviflora |
– | Floral bracts more than 1 cm long, with only simple trichomes | 7 |
7 | Flower purple | P.nyalamensis |
– | Flower white | P.macrophylla |