Table 2.
Mean, Standard Deviation and Correlation Coefficients of the Variables Used in the Study.
Mean. | SD. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | |
(1) Information exchange | 4.58 | .57 | 1 | .740** | .534** | .453** | .566** | .523** | .744** | .555** | .505** | .294** | .136* |
(2) Relations with doctors and other health care professionals | 4.45 | .52 | .740** | 1 | .703** | .680** | .701** | .726** | .900** | .517** | .647** | .481** | .243** |
(3) Decision making | 4.43 | .56 | .534** | .703** | 1 | .720** | .652** | .670** | .835** | .360** | .492** | .431** | .178** |
(4) Giving importance to emotions | 4.24 | .55 | .453** | .680** | .720** | 1 | .746** | .707** | .851** | .302** | .475** | .417** | .205** |
(5) Self-care | 4.24 | .55 | .566** | .701** | .652** | .746** | 1 | .778** | .878** | .427** | .534** | .418** | .193** |
(6) Managing uncertainty | 4.34 | .54 | .523** | .726** | .670** | .707** | .778** | 1 | .870** | .424** | .559** | .531** | .220** |
(7) General patient-centered communication scale | 4.37 | .47 | .744** | .900** | .835** | .851** | .878** | .870** | 1 | .508** | .635** | .509** | .234** |
(8) Patient engagement scale | 3.64 | .53 | .555** | .517** | .360** | .302** | .427** | .424** | .508** | 1 | .454** | .300** | .102 |
(9) Patient satisfaction scale | 3.40 | .53 | .505** | .647** | .492** | .475** | .534** | .559** | .635** | .454** | 1 | .656** | .269** |
(10) Perception of service quality | 2.90 | .76 | .294** | .481** | .431** | .417** | .418** | .531** | .509** | .300** | .656** | 1 | .219** |
(11) Quality of health-realeted of life score (EQ-5D) | .48 | .30 | .136* | .243** | .178** | .205** | .193** | .220** | .234** | .102 | .269** | .219** | 1 |
**P < .001. *P < .05.