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. 2023 May 30;25(1):37–60. doi: 10.1007/s12134-023-01047-3

Table 5.

Logistic models, outcome variable: living in a low or very low-income household

Model 1
Estimate Std. error z value Pr( >|z|)
(Intercept)  − 1.685E + 00 1.023E − 01  − 16.465  < 2e − 16 ***
Region of birth of head (ref. EU/EFTA)
Non-EU/EFTA 7.506E − 01 8.295E − 02 9.049  < 2e − 16 ***
Switzerland  − 2.342E − 01 9.472E − 02  − 2.473 1.34E − 02 *
Sex (ref. Men)
Women  − 4.014E − 01 1.012E − 01  − 3.965 7.33E − 05 ***
Age 1.101E − 04 4.57E − 05 2.41 0.0159 *
Signif. Codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’
Model 2 with control variables
Estimate Std. error z value Pr( >|z|)
(Intercept)  − 7.402E − 01 1.513E − 01  − 4.893 9.94E − 07 ***
Region of birth of head (ref. EU/EFTA)
Non-EU/EFTA 5.184E − 01 1.218E − 01 4.257 2.07E − 05 ***
Switzerland 1.442E − 01 1.278E − 01 1.129 2.591E − 01
Sex (ref. Men)
Women  − 3.506E − 01 1.251E − 01  − 2.803 0.00506 **
Age 2.611E − 04 5.625E − 05 4.641 3.47E − 06 ***
Income quartile head (ref. q1)
q2  − 1.074E + 00 1.001E − 01  − 10.726  < 2e − 16 ***
q3  − 2.474E + 00 1.311E − 01  − 18.872  < 2e − 16 ***
q4  − 3.521E + 00 1.773E − 01  − 19.856  < 2e − 16 ***
Region of birth of partner (ref. EU/EFTA)
Non-EU/EFTA 2.656E − 01 1.140E − 01 2.33 0.0198 *
Income contribution family members (ref. NO CONTR.)
Less 20%  − 6.146E − 01 1.118E − 01  − 5.498 3.85E − 08 ***
20–40%  − 1.874E + 00 1.574E − 01  − 11.903  < 2e − 16 ***
40–60%  − 1.609E + 00 1.674E − 01  − 9.609  < 2e − 16 ***
More than 60% 4.735E − 01 2.077E − 01 2.28 0.02263 *
Type of reunion (ref. Partner)
Partner + 1 child 9.058E − 01 1.064E − 01 8.512  < 2e − 16 ***
Partner + 2 or more children 1.097E + 00 1.29E − 01 8.507  < 2e − 16 ***
Signif. Codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’

Source: Own elaboration with data from the Population Registers and the Old Age and Survivors Insurance