Figure 1.
Kinetics of cytokine expression by rSFV-particles infected cancer cells in monolayer
(A) Genetic design of rSFV-particles (left) capable of a single round of infection and enhanced cytokine expression (right).
(B) Temporal kinetics of GFP expression by LNCaP and PANC-1 cell lines infected with SFV-GFP replicon particles at different multiplicity of infection (MOI).
(C) Re-visualization of the data of GFP+ cells at 24 h post-infection. Production of extracellular Flt3L (D), CXCl10 (E), and IFN-ƴ (F) by LNCaP and PANC-1 cell lines, measured by ELISA after 6, 24, and 48 h of infection with SFV-replicon particles encoding different cytokines. See Figure S1 for microscopy images corresponding to the data depicted in (B and C). In (B and C) each plot represents data from 8 replicate-images. In (D, E, and F) the plots represent data from 2 experiments. Legend: NT, non-infected cancer cells; SFV-GFP, cancer cells infected with rSFV encoding GFP; SFV-Flt3L, cancer cells infected with rSFV encoding Flt3L; SFV-CXCL10, cancer cells infected with rSFV encoding CXCL10; SFV-IFN-ƴ, cancer cells infected with rSFV encoding IFN-ƴ. Data are presented as mean ± SEM.