Fig. 7. Mutational constraint of genes typically linked with adult cancer (or, biallelically, childhood cancer) risk: shows data regarding the phenotypes associated with monoallelic loss-of-function of classically recessive childhood cancer risk genes.
A Modified adaptation from Kratz et al. (2022)85 with permissions provided under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license showing the odds ratio of excess carriers of pathogenic variants (error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals) in children with pan-cancer (discovery cohort; n = 3775 & validation cohort; n = 1664) vs. healthy adults (gnomAD; n = 74,023 & TUM; n = 27,501) for nine classically adult cancer predisposition genes. “Gene-based burden testing was performed and odds ratios, 95% confidence intervals, and P values were calculated using the 2-sided Fisher exact test”85. Genes are colored and rearranged according to their loss-of-function observed vs. expected upper bound fraction (LOEUF) score as indicated by the central constraint spectrum bar. On the right exact constraint metrics; loss-of-function observed vs. expected ratio, loss-of-function observed vs. expected lower bound fraction score and LOEUF score, as well as constraint level, are listed. TUM refers to a control cohort of cancer-free individuals sequenced at Technical University of Munich. B The upper tract shows the DIS3L2 loss-of-function variants found in gnomAD v2.1. The lower tract shows the loss-of-function variants found among patients with Wilms tumor (WT) by Hol et al.82. Variants are expanded in the upper tract when they overlap with variants in the lower tract. Variant color; orange, nonsense, purple, splice, red, frameshift. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.