Fig. 5.
The OF-induced concentrations of HPA axis hormones: CORT in plasma (n = 78; 7–10 in each group for each exposure) (a), CORT in AG (n = 57; 5–7 in each group for each exposure) (b), ACTH in plasma (n = 90; 10 in each group for each exposure) (c), ACTH in the PG (n = 51; 5–7 in each group for each exposure) (d), and CRH in the HYP (n = 90; 10 in each group for each exposure) (e) in rats exposed once to three times (E1–E3) to EMF of 1 or 7 mT or control conditions. Presented values are predicted by the GLM model for a significant intensity of the EMF (mT) × number of exposures (E1–E3) interaction (a, d) or significant effect of intensity of the EMF (mT) (b, c, e). Boxes indicate the lower quartile, median, and upper quartile, and whiskers indicate the range of changes (minimum to maximum). Statistically significant differences between animals from the same group are denoted, ##p < 0.01 and ###p < 0.001 and these between experimental groups are denoted **p < 0.01 and ***p < 0.001. Note different scales on each plot.