MD simulations validate the influence of hinge motion on the substates of the closed Met20 loop. (A) Simulation model of ecDHFR:NADP+:FOL highlighting the distance restraint applied in MD simulations between Asn23- and Pro53- (black dashed line) to model the effects of constricting (blue arrows, cold-like by analogy to the multi-temperature experiment) or expanding (red arrows, hot-like) the active site cleft. Kernel density estimates of the (B) hinge distance being restrained, (C) the Trp22-, and the (D) Met20- dihedrals. The Trp22- and Met20- dihedrals, which report on the Met20 closed substates, show a monotonic response to the distance restraint. The kernel density estimates were produced from 100 independent simulations of 100-ns duration at each restraint distance.