Fig. 2.
Differentiation pathways of ICOS+ RTE Tresps into CD31− memory Tresps and percentages of Ki67+ cells within ICOS+ Tresp subsets in women and men. Three possible differentiation pathways, via CD31+ memory Tresps (pathway 1), via direct proliferation (pathway 2), or via differentiation of resting MN Tresps (pathway 3) are shown in (A). The percentages of Ki67+ cells within ICOS+ RTE, MN, CD31+ memory and CD31− memory Tresps in women (B) and men (C) were estimated depending on age in healthy volunteers () and SLE patients in remission (
). Significant age-dependent changes are marked by black or green p-values. Significant age-independently increased or decreased percentages in SLE patients in remission compared to healthy volunteers are marked by an arrow (↑↓) and green underlined p-values