FIG. 5.
(Color online) LC (laterophysic connection) in Chaetodon spp. (A) Transverse histological section through the LC in C. octofasciatus. Scale bar = 500 μm. (B) Close-up of tympanum between the air-filled swim bladder horn and fluid-filled LL canal in C. octofasciatus. Scale bar = 200 μm. (C) Computed tomographic (CT) 3-D reconstruction of the volume of air in the anterior swim bladder horns and swim bladder in C. ephippium (lateral view, rostral to left) derived from two-dimensional (2-D) slices. (D) CT slice at level of arrow 1 (swim bladder horns) in C. (E) CT slice at level of arrow 2 (body of swim bladder) in (C). Scale bars in (D) and (E) =10 mm. Abbreviations: cns, central nervous system; h, horn; i.e., inner ear; ll, LL canal; mct, mucoid connective tissue; s, supracleithrum; te, tunica externa; ti, tunica interna. (F) The bones just caudal to the left eye (orbit) in C. octofasciatus (lateral view, rostral to left). The anterior swim bladder horn (shaded) sits deep to the medial opening in the supracliethrum (black teardrop, = site of laterophysic connection), and in the vicinity of several CNs within the LL canals (gray ovals). Abbreviations: gb, gas bladder (swim bladder); h, horn; lc, laterophysic connection; le, lateral extrascapular; me, medial extrascapular; nm, neuromast in LL scale; or, orbit (eye); pt, post-temporal; pte, pterotic; s, supracleithrum. (G) Schematic representation (in transverse view) of the relationship between the left LL canal in the supracleithrum (sc), medial fossa in the suoracleithrum (light gray), swim bladder horn (sb horn), neuromast in canal, and muscle tissue that sits deep to the fossa (defining an indirect LC), neurocranium containing the central nervous system (brain, cns) and the bilateral sacculae (otolithic organs of the two ears) that are vertical and sit at the midline ventral to the brain in C. ocellatus. (Numbers represent distances measured for description of the anatomy in Webb et al., 2012). (A)–(E) Reprinted with permission from Webb, Smith, and Ketten, “The laterophysic connection and swim bladder in butterflyfishes in the genus Chaetodon (Perciformes: Chaetodontidae),” J. Morphol. 267, 1338–1355 (2006). Copyright 2006 Wiley and Sons, Wiley-Liss, Inc. (F) and (G) Reprinted with permission from Webb, Walsh, Casper, Mann, Kelly, and Cicchino, “Development of the ear, hearing capabilities, and laterophysic connection in the spotfin butterflyfish (Chaetodon ocellatus),” Environ. Biol. Fishes 95, 275–290 (2012). Copyright 2012 Springer Nature.