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. 2022 Nov 7;24(1):e13525. doi: 10.1111/obr.13525


General characteristics of the studies included in this review

Author(s) Country Participant characteristics Food product category Setting Design Sample size (n participants) Statistical analysis approach Source of funding
Study setting Retail setting
Akaichi et al. 39 UK and Spain Primary household shoppers; aged ≥18 years Beef mince Online Not applicable Stated preference method ‐ discrete choice experiment survey UK:1211; Spain:1206 Conditional logit model The Scottish Government as part of the 2016–2021 Research Program on Food Security
Bellhouse et al. 40 Australia Australian primary household grocery shopper; aged ≥18 years Pork product Australia wide online survey Not applicable Stated preference method ‐ discrete choice experiment 861 Pearson's chi‐Squared test The Pork Cooperative Research Centre (Australian Government)
Buttorff et al. 41 Peru Low‐income populations; aged ≥18 years Meal with additional fruits or vegetables Face‐to‐face Food venders in low‐income urban area Stated preference method ‐ discrete choice experiment 432 Conditional and rank‐ordered logit models The International Development Research Centre (Canada)
Childs and Drake 42 USA Women (ages 25–55), primary shoppers of the household Cheddar and Mozzarella cheeses Online survey Not applicable Stated preference method ‐ conjoint analysis survey 203 (Cheddar cheese), 198 (Mozzarella cheese); General linear model Dairy Management, Inc. (American Diary Association)
De‐Magistris and Gracia. 43 Spain Primary household shoppers aged ≥18 years Semi‐cured, pasteurized sheep milk cheese Face‐to‐face Participants' homes in regional area (Castilla‐La‐Mancha) Stated preference method ‐ experimental auction 129 Not available European Commission
De‐Magistris, and Lopez‐Galan 28 Spain Primary food shoppers in households that consumed cheese products, aged ≥ 18 years Cheese Face‐to‐face Participants recruited by research agency and the experiment was conducted on the premises of the agency Stated preference method ‐ discrete choice experiment 219 Random parameters logit model European Commission
De‐Magistris, Lopez‐alan and Caputo 44 Spain Obese and healthy‐weight consumers who are not under any clinical treatment; primary food buyers in households; aged ≥ 18 years Potato chips Face‐to‐face Participants recruited by research agency and the experiment was conducted on the premises of the agency Stated preference method ‐ discrete choice experiment 309 Random parameters logit model National Institute of Agricultural and Food Research and Technology (Spain) and European Commission
Di Vita et al. 45 Italy Bread consumers; mean age 40.9 years Bread Face‐to‐face Large retail store (supermarkets) in Sicily Stated preference method ‐ contingent valuation method through a face‐to‐face questionnaire 100 Logistic model Funded by the Project PO FESR 2007–2013 (supported by Sicily local government, Italian Government and European Union)
Jurado and Gracia 46 Spain Primary household shoppers who consumed breakfast biscuits Breakfast cereal Face‐to‐face Mock/real‐brick supermarket in medium‐sized town Stated preference method ‐ discrete Choice Experiment 121 Latent class logit model Gobierno de Aragón (Government of Aragon)
Leak et al. 47 USA Youth (10–18 years); visitors to corners stores Whole grain snack in combination with either fruits or vegetables Face‐to‐face Corners stores in low‐income communities in New York Stated preference method ‐ contingent valuation (a one‐and‐one‐half‐bound dichotomous choice approach) 402 Multiple linear regression The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Lee et al. 48 USA Employees and students at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (82% female); aged ≥18 years Breakfast cereal Face‐to‐face University campus Stated preference method ‐ conjoint analysis 367 Ordinary least squares regression The Illinois Soybean Association
Lee et al. 49 South Korea Supermarket consumers Canned ham Face‐to‐face survey Supermarkets Stated preference method ‐ discrete choice experiment 300 Random parameters logit model

The National Research Foundation of Korea Grant funded by the Korean Government

Lusk and Parker 50 USA Primary shoppers for home; aged ≥18 years Ground beef Delivered through mail survey Home Stated preference method ‐ discrete choice experiment 220 Multinomial Logit Model Estimates Source of funding was not reported
Nganje et al. 51 USA N/A (used sales data) Breads Not applicable Grocery and non‐grocery stores Revealed preference method‐ data obtained from grocery and non‐grocery stores in regional market in Minnesota and North Dakota N/A (used sales data)‐ number of observations 681 (include both conventional and low‐ carb bread) Maximum Likelihood Estimation Source of funding was not reported
Van Wezemael et al. 29 France, Belgium, Netherland, UK Beef consumers (i.e., people consuming beef at least once a month) Beef steak Online questionnaires Not applicable

Stated preference method ‐ discrete choice experiment

2,400 (600 in each country) Multinomial logit and error component models The European Union