Fig. 7.
HDX-MS reveals changes in VP40 solvent accessibility when coincubated with lipid vesicles of different compositions. A: Deuteration level changes of VP40 at 10,000 s time point after a 30-min incubation with control liposomes, PS containing liposomes, or PI(4,5)P2 containing liposomes. B: The VP40 dimer structure is shown with deuteration profile changes highlighted (as in A) with influence of PC+PI(4,5)P2 vesicles at the 100,000 s time points. The black boxes around the NTD dimer interface and CTD lipid-binding regions are further highlighted with two insets (residues 57–73 and regions 1 and 2). C: The influence of PC, PC+PS, or PC+PI(4,5)P2 containing vesicles on deuterium incorporation in the two regions highlighted in B. The y-axis is the number of deuterium incorporated into the peptide fragment (peptide 57–73 or peptide 267–287) with respect to time on the x-axis. Three technical replicates were performed for each experiment, ∗ P value < 0.05.