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. 2024 Mar 4;10(2):00923-2023. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00923-2023


Cough sensations and triggers from concept elicitation via semi-structured interviews, in patients with refractory chronic cough (n=10), with illustrative quotations

Total Patient Illustrative quotation
 Tickle in throat 9 p p p p s p p s p Straightforward. Anyone gets a tickle in the throat, they're gonna cough
 Urge to cough 8 p p p s s s s s Something in there all the time…you wanna cough just to get rid of something
 Dry throat 8 p p s s s p s s I tend to drink a lot of water and things, and tea, just to lubricate the throat
 Irritation in throat 8 s p p s s s s p There is something that's irritating your throat that you can't do anything about it
 Itchy throat 5 s s p p p A pinprick sensation in my throat…Just one spot. And that itches. And it makes me cough
 Sensation in chest 4 s p p s You've written what I would describe. It's a sensation in the chest rather than in the throat
 Blockage in throat 1 s I always feel like there's a blockage and it won't clear unless I've got to an end of a cough
 Choking 1 s Because I have that feeling of choking and I've got that urge to cough to clear it
 Prickle in throat 1 s It's sort of like a prickling and a tickling in the back of my throat
 Smoke/smoky atmosphere 9 p p s p p p s p s Smoke from bonfires, people smoking, even if they're not, you know it's on their clothes. It's just an irritant
 Change in body position 9 s s s s s p s s p So from lying down to sitting up in bed, I start off without fail
 Perfumes/scents 8 s s s s s p s p I avoid perfume counters or where all the washing products are kept because that definitely affects me
 Talking 8 p p p p s p s s You're forcing, the strain on your throat, drying your mouth out
 Exercise 8 s s p s p p p p The more I do it, the worse it'll be. And I just, I end up giving up with it half the time. It's not worth it
 Cold air 7 s p s s p s s It catches you all of a sudden when you go out in the cold
 Dry air 7 p p s s p p s If you've got air conditioning or fans going on, it feels hot, it feels dry. And dry winds too would trigger it
 Laughing 7 s p p p p p p Laughing is a big one. I think you'll find most people will say yes, it starts me coughing
 Sputum 7 s p s s p p s It makes you wanna cough. Get rid of stuff from the chest, rubbish in the throat
 Eating/drinking 6 p s s s p s I eat fruits before I eat my food. And when I start on eating them, yeah, it comes on soon
 Brushing teeth 6 p p p p p p It's anything around the back of the throat. Just, well, a gag reaction and coughing
 Hot air 4 p p s s I tend to not have the heating on because I feel I can breathe better. That the air is better for me
 Damp 4 p p p p If it is cold and my hair's damp it will start my cough
 Post-nasal drip 4 p p p p The throat's…itchy through something that's gone down the back of the nose
 Heartburn 3 p p p I drink really cold water…it makes the heartburn go away but often the heartburn will cause me to cough
 Dust 2 s s When you're where there's a lot of dust…you're then breathing it in, causing you to cough it out
 Stress 2 s s When you stress yourself, you bring it up on yourself ’cause you start coughing
 Indigestion 1 p I don't digest food properly with my Crohn's and that can cause issues where food hasn't gone down properly
 Singing 1 s I will have to cough if I try to do a little bit more than just a standard bit
 Air conditioning 1 s If we had air conditioning on, I wouldn't be able to have this conversation
 Facemask 1 s As soon as I put the mask on I start coughing
 Pollen 1 s The hay fever and pollen seem to affect it
 Cleaning products 1 s Cleaning, definitely, with the fluids and soap powders
 Paint fumes 1 s Paint smells. That's sort of thing, just creates a reaction
New items 14 9 3 2 1 3 0 1 0 0
Total items 14 21 11 13 16 19 12 18 13 16

Shaded boxes indicate new concepts. p: prompted; s: reported spontaneously.