Figure 1.
(A) Representative image of neutrophil-rich colorectal carcinoma (greater than 15 tumour-infiltrating neutrophils/100 tumour cells). (B) Representative image of immunohistochemical stain with myeloperoxidase highlighting tumour-infiltrating neutrophils in neutrophil-rich colorectal carcinoma. (C) Representative image of neutrophil-poor colorectal carcinoma (less than five tumour-infiltrating neutrophils/100 tumour cells). (D) Representative image of immunohistochemical stain with myeloperoxidase highlighting rare tumour-infiltrating neutrophils in neutrophil-poor colorectal carcinoma. (A, C: H&E, original magnification ×400; B, D: immunohistochemistry with 3,3-diaminobenzidine as chromogen, original magnification ×400).