Table 3.
Supplies | Services to be listed on menu to which there can be facilitated referral |
Naloxone | Housing |
Fentanyl test strips | Food assistance |
Needles/syringes | Transportation |
Sharps containers | HIV/HCV testing and treatment |
Condoms | Mental healthcare |
Food | Support groups |
Water | Domestic violence |
Hygiene kits | Substance use disorder treatment |
Wound care kits | Help obtaining an identification card |
Naloxone voucher for redemption at pharmacy | HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis |
Alcohol pads | Health insurance registration |
Xylazine test strips | Wound care |
Hats and gloves | Legal aid |
Period/menstrual products | STI treatment and testing |
Housing vouchers | Pregnancy testing |
Transportation vouchers | Maternal care |
At-home HIV tests | Education assistance |
Resource guides |
HCV, hepatitis C virus; STI, sexually transmitted infection.