Fig. 4. Damaged mtDNA spreads neurodegeneration in other part of the brain.
A Schematic showing the strategy of investigation in OB. Tissue was evaluated one-month post-injection. B Immunofluorescence for cCas3 (red) and NF200 (green, neurons) in OB from injected mice. Scale bars equal 50 microns. C Quantification of (B). D–G Immunoblots and quantifications of proteins extracted from OB from mice injected with PBS, WTmtDNA, Ifnb−/−mtDNA or Ifnar1−/−mtDNA for cell death markers. E cCas3 and (F) Flip, and oxidative stress marker (G). oxDJ1. H Immunolabelling of TH+ neurons (reddish brown) with hematoxylin (blue) counterstain in OB from injected mice and quantification. For all graphs, 1 dot means 1 individual animal. PBS is shown in black, WTmtDNA in blue, and KOmtDNA in green (Ifnb−/−mtDNA) and red (Ifnar1 −/−mtDNA), N = 4–8/group. €€ means p < 0.01 and €€€ p < 0.001 by ordinary one-way ANOVA, Krustal-Wallis ANOVA if distribution did not show Gaussian distribution (Shapiro–Wilk test) or Brown-Forsythe ANOVA if distribution showed SD differences (Bartlett’s test). * means p < 0.05 and ** p < 0.01, by post-hoc unpaired t-test.